Tuesday, February 2, 2010

shout out to really bad car stereos


When I was going through my formative teen years back in the late 1990's, it seemed kids in my generation were discovering Bass for the first time. It was so new and exciting!! We used to fuck around with classic rock and reggae music, and when friends from different clicks got together to smoke and drive around in circles, inevitably some one pulled out some bizzare music selection that would make the rest of us cringe or laugh."crack up that bass on dark side of the moon!! shit, I never heard that before siiiiick" ......."Metalica has ill bass dude!"

good times. Bass was so hip back then it seemed for some people to be the only essential part of thier sound system.... " just add the subs to my shitty ford escort factory speakers... yeah that will sound doooope!" ...no it did not.. you thought you were impressing all the ladies when you pulled into the high school parking lot, instead you look like a tool and blaring the latest puff daddy and Ma$e record.. Also all that bass is starting to piss off your neighbors... cash money yo'!!

ahh epic nostalgic 90's FAIL..

my ears hurt just remembering those lousy ass systems.

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